Level 79 meow match
Level 79 meow match

level 79 meow match

level 79 meow match

“Show Hover Hints” is for displaying the popup text about what each powerup morph does. If you deselect “Generate Powerups”, no powerups will be given on the levels except for when you finish a level – you always get one free powerup for earning all the stars in a level. In case you don’t like the morphing effect as it is, you can slow down the rate the morphs occur in the options or even turn off auto-morphing to where you must right-click on the powerups to manually morph them before left clicking to activate them. If you left click on a morph that activates the powerup in that form. The game has “Generate Powerups” enabled by default, which means any match of 4 or more tiles will give you a morphing powerup. I’m pretty hardcore when playing M3s, so I shut off all game hints as well as disable powerups in the options, but the game is wonderfully set up so there’s something for everyone. The buttons in the popup let you view your current level achievements (progress), change the game mode between relaxed/limited moves/timed (modes), configure the game to your liking (options), and replay previously completed/skipped levels (levels) or minigames (minigames). In any level, click on the Menu button at the top right. There’s lots more customization you can do once you’re in the game levels however. The main game screen is the only place you can adjust the music volume and switch between fullscreen/windowed modes. In tutorial 4, don’t forget you have to break the crate which was behind the stone in order to finish the level.


So if you’re completely new to this series, I’d recommend playing at least tutorials 3 and 4 because those give you a good overview of how to collect fish and charge magnets. If you skip them after making the player profile, you can’t go back to them.

level 79 meow match

There are 4 tutorial levels, which as far as I can tell, you only get one opportunity to play when you first create a player profile. Before I get into how to do the levels, here are some general tips.

Level 79 meow match